Liste des éditeurs- -
- 10tacle Studios
- 110 Industries
- 14 Degrees East
- 1985 Alternativo
- 1C Company
- 21st Century Entertainment
- 2D Boy
- 2k Games
- 2K Play
- 2K Sports
- 39 Steps
- 3DO Company
- 505 Games
- 5pb
- 704 Games
- 9003
- 989 studios
- A-Wave
- Abel
- Absolute Entertainment
- Abylight
- Acclaim
- Accolade
- Accrosoft
- Acid
- Acquire
- Activision
- Adeline Software International
- Advanced Productions
- Adventuresoft
- Aetherbyte Studios
- Agatsuma Entertainment
- Agetec
- Aicom
- Ajinomoto
- Aki Corp.
- Aksys Games
- Alchemist
- Alligata Software
- Allumer
- Alternative Software
- Althi
- Altron
- Amaze Entertainment
- American Action AB
- American Eagle Software
- American Game Cartridges
- American Laser games
- American Softworks
- American Video Entertainment
- Americana Software Ltd.
- Amsoft
- Amstrad
- Amstrad Action
- Amuse productions
- Ancient
- Angel Studios
- Anirog Software Ltd.
- Annapurna Interactive
- Anuman Interactive
- Apollo
- AQ Interactive
- Aqua Plus
- Arc System Works
- Arena Entertainment
- Argus Press Software
- Ariadne
- Arika
- Ariolasoft
- Aroma
- Artdink
- Aruze Corp
- Ascaron Entertainment
- Ascon GmbH
- Asia Soft Lab
- Ask Kodansha
- Asmik
- Aspect
- Aspyr
- Assemble Entertainment
- astragon Entertainment
- Atari
- Athena
- Atlantis Software
- Atmark
- Atooi LLC
- Avalanche Studios
- Avalon Hill
- Avalon Interactive
- Avanquest Software
- Axela
- B-AI
- B-Factory
- B-Side Games
- Badland Games
- Baisu
- Ballistic
- BAM! Entertainment
- Bandai
- Bandai Namco Games
- Banpresto
- BBC English
- Beau-Jolly
- Beep Japan
- Bergsala AB
- Bethesda Softworks inc.
- Big Club
- Big Evil Corporation
- Big Fish Games
- BigBen Interactive
- Bignet USA Inc.
- Birdy Soft
- Bit Corporation
- Bit Planet Games, LLC
- bitComposer Interactive
- Bitmap Bureau
- Black Bean
- Black Label Games
- Black Pearl
- Blast!
- BlazePro
- Bleem!
- Blizzard
- Blue Byte Software
- Blue Planet Software
- BMG Interactive Entertainment
- Bold Game Studio
- Bold Games
- Bose
- Boss Communications
- Bothtec
- Bottom Up
- Brace Yourself Games
- Brain Grey
- BrainGame
- Brash Entertainment
- Broccoli
- Broderbund
- Broke Studio
- Buena Vista Games
- Buena Vista Interactive
- Bug Byte
- Bulldog Software
- Bullet Proof Software
- Bullfrog Productions
- Bunch Games
- Bunkasha Games
- Bunsoft
- Buzz
- Canal+ Multimedia
- Capcom
- Caramelpot
- Career Soft
- Carrozzeria Japan
- Cascade Games
- Cavalier Game Studios
- Cave
- CBS Electronics
- CD Projekt
- cdv Software Entertainment
- Century City Software
- Character soft
- Chat Noir
- Chip
- Chucklefish
- Chun soft
- CI Games / City Interactive
- Cinemaware
- Circle Entertainment
- City Connection
- City Interactive
- Clear River Games
- Climax Entertainment
- Clouded Leopard Entertainment
- Cobra Soft
- Cobra team
- Coconuts Japan
- Codemasters
- Coktel Vision
- Colombus Circle
- Color Dreams
- Comcept
- Commodore
- Compile
- Conspiracy Entertainment
- Copya System Ltd
- Core Design
- Cost
- Crave
- Cream
- Creative Multimedia Corporation
- CRL groupe PLC
- Cryo
- Crystal Dynamics
- Crystal Vision
- CSG Imagesoft
- Culture Brain
- Culture Publishers
- Curve Digital
- Cyberdreams
- CyberFront
- Cygames
- D3 Publisher
- Dactar
- Daedalic Entertainment
- Daewon Media Co., Ltd
- Daiki
- Daikoku
- Data East
- Data West
- DataByte
- Datam Polystar
- Datasoft
- Datt Japan
- Davidson & Associates
- Davilex
- Days of Wonder
- Deep Silver
- Delphine Software
- Den'Z
- Denshi Media Services
- DesignLeader
- Destineer
- Devolver Digital
- DHM Interactive
- Dice Multimedia
- Digerati Distribution
- Digicube
- Digital Bros S.p.A.
- Digital Dream
- Digital Integration
- Digital Jesters
- Digital Pictures
- Digitalogue
- Dinamic Software
- Discovery Software Intl
- Disney Interactive
- Dispatch Games
- DMM Games
- DoMark
- Dorart
- Dorasu
- DotEmu
- Double Eleven
- Dreamcatcher
- Dreamworks
- Dro Soft
- DSI (Delphine Software International)
- DSI Games (Destination Software Inc.)
- DTP Entertainment AG
- dtp young entertainment
- DVD International
- Dynamix
- E3 Staff
- EA Sports
- EA Sports Big
- EA Swiss
- East Entertainment Media
- EastAsiaSoft
- Easy Interactive
- Ecole
- Ecseco
- Edusoft
- Eidos
- EKO Software
- Elcom
- Electric Dreams Software
- Electro Brain
- Electronic Arts (EA Games)
- Electronic Arts Victor Inc.
- Elektrogames
- ELF Corporation
- Elite
- Ematek
- Ember Lab
- Emme Interactive
- Emotion
- Empire Interactive
- Encore Inc.
- Endurance Games
- English Software
- Enigma Variations
- Enix
- Enjoy Gaming
- Enterbrain
- Entertainment Software Publishing
- Eon Digital Entertainment
- Epic (Sony Record)
- Epoch
- Epyx
- ERE Informatique
- Ertain
- eSimGames
- Euro Gold
- Europress
- EuroVideo Medien
- Event Horizon Software
- Evolved Games
- Excalibur Games
- Excite Software
- Extreme Entertainment Group
- Exxos
- F.I.L. (France Image Logiciel)
- Face
- Falcom
- Family Soft
- Fangamer
- Fase bonus
- Fathammer
- FDG Entertainment
- Firebird Sotware
- First Star Software
- Fishtank
- Flair Software
- Flashpoint Games
- Flight Plan
- Flying Edge
- Focus Home Interactive
- Foreign Media
- Forever Entertainment
- Fortyfive
- Forum
- Fox Interactive
- Freedom Games
- From Software Inc
- Frozen Utopia
- Fuji TV
- Fujicom
- Fulqrum Publishing
- Funbox Media
- Funsoft
- Funstock
- Funtech
- FuRyu
- Future Pirates
- Futurlab
- G. Revolution
- Gaga
- Gaijinworks
- Gainax
- Gakken Co., Ltd
- Gakuman
- Game Arts
- Game Studio Inc.
- GameBank
- Gamebridge
- Gamebusters
- Gamecock Media Group
- Gameloft
- GameMill
- Gamepark
- Games Express
- Games Machine Ltd.
- GameTek
- GameTrust
- Gaps
- Gathering of Developers
- Gearbox
- Geeks-Line
- Gen Soft
- General Entertainment
- GeneX Co., Ltd.
- Genki
- Genterprise
- Ghostlight
- Giant
- Giga Wing
- Gizmondo Studios
- Glams
- Global A
- Global Star Software
- GO!
- GOAT Store
- Goldstar
- Good Shepherd Entertainment
- Gotham Games
- Gottlieb
- Graffiti Games
- Grandslam
- Grasshopper Manufacture
- Gremlin Interactive
- Grey Box
- Grip Digital
- Grolier Interactive
- GT Interactive
- GTE Interactive Media
- Guillemot International
- GungHo Works
- Gust
- GX Games
- H.F.P
- H2 Interactive
- Habit Soft
- Hachette
- Hakuhodo
- Hal Laboratory
- Hamlet
- Hamster
- HandyGames
- Hanimex
- Happinet
- Hasbro Interactive
- Hatnet
- Headup Games
- Hect
- HES (Home Entertainment Suppliers)
- Hewson Consultant Ltd.
- HI Tech Expressions
- Hicom
- High Voltage Software
- Hip Interactive
- Hiro
- Hiromi
- Home Data
- Homevision
- Hori Electric
- Hot-B
- HotStage
- Hozer Video
- & KonTechs Ltd
- Hudson Soft
- Human
- Humble Bundle
- Humble Games
- Humming Bird Soft
- Humongous Entertainment
- Hyundai
- Iam8bit
- ID Software
- Idea Factory
- Ignition entertainment
- Ikaron
- Illfonic
- Ima Company
- Imadio
- Imageworks
- Imagic
- Imagine Software
- Imagineer
- Incentive Software Ltd.
- Increment p
- Incube8 Games
- Indie Games Productions
- Infini Entertainment Technology
- Infocom
- Infogrames / Atari
- Infomedia
- ININ Games
- Inpropre
- Intarus
- Intec
- Intelliplay
- Interceptor
- Interchannel
- Interplay
- Introversion Software Limited
- Io Interactive
- Irem
- IRWIN Electronics
- ITE Media
- J-Wing
- J. Baguley
- Jaleco
- Jandusoft
- Japan Vistec
- Jester Interactive
- Joindots
- JoshProd
- JoWooD Productions
- Just For Games
- K Amusement leasing
- Kadokawa Shoten
- Kaga Tech
- Kai Magazine
- Kakehashi Games
- Kalypso Media
- Kamata and Partners
- Kando Games
- Kaneko
- Kappa Games
- KAZe
- Kemco
- KeyToPlay
- Kid
- Kiddnix
- Kids Station
- King Records
- Kirin entertainment
- Kixx
- Klon
- KOCH Media
- Kodansha
- Koei Tecmo Games
- Kogado
- Kokopeli
- Konami
- Kotobuki System
- Krisalis Software
- Krome Studios
- Kyarara
- Kyugo Trading
- L3
- Laconic Software
- Laguna
- Lankhor
- Laser Beam
- Laser Soft
- Leadman Games
- Left Field Productions
- Lego Media
- Leisure Genius
- Level-5
- Libido
- Life Fitness
- Limited Run Games
- Lince Works
- Liquid Bit
- Liquid Games
- Little Orbit
- LJN Ltd.
- Locus
- Logipresse
- Loriciel
- Lothlorien
- Lsp (Light & Shadow Production)
- Lucas Learning Ltd
- LucasArts
- M.A.D. Games
- M2
- M2H
- Ma-ba
- Mad Catz
- Mad Dog Games
- Magic Bytes
- Magifact
- Mahou (Magical Company Ltd.)
- Mainichi Communications
- Majesco Games
- Make software
- Malibu Games
- Map Japan
- Markt+Technik
- Martech
- Marubeni
- Marvelous Interactive
- Masaya (NCS)
- Mastertronic
- Mastiff
- Masudaya
- Matra Hachette Multimedia
- Matsushita Electronic Industrial
- Mattel
- Max Five
- Maximum Games
- Maxis software
- MB
- MC2 France
- Media Entertainment
- Media Factory
- Media Rings
- Media Works
- MediaQuest
- Medioza
- Mega Cat Studios
- MegaHouse
- Meka Fu Mei
- MeKiwi
- Melbourne House
- Meldac
- Mentrix Software
- Merge Games
- Meridiem Games
- Metro3D
- Micro Application
- Micro Cabin
- Micro Fun
- Micro Style
- Micro Vision
- Micro World
- Micro-Genius
- Microfolie's
- Microids
- Micronet
- MicroProse Software
- Microsoft Game Studios
- Microvalue
- Midas Interactive Entertainment
- Midway
- Mighty Grimming
- Mikro-Gen
- Milestone Inc.
- Millenium Interactive
- Mind Games
- Mindrec
- Mindscape
- Mirrorsoft
- Misawa Entertainment
- Mitsui Fudosan
- Mizuki
- Modus Games
- Mojang
- Monolith
- Monte Cristo Multimedia
- Montparnasse Multimedia
- Mosaic Publishing
- Moss
- Motorsport Games
- Motown Games
- Mr. Micro Ltd.
- MSL (Media Sales Licensing)
- MTV Games
- Multisoft
- MumboJumbo
- MyCom
- Nacon
- Namco
- Namco Bandai Games
- Nathan
- National Game Depot
- Natsume
- Naxat Soft
- NCsoft
- NEC Avenue
- NEC Canada, Inc.
- NEC Interchannel
- Neko Entertainment
- Nemopolis
- Neofid Studios
- Neos
- Net Village
- NEW Corporation
- New World Computing
- NewKidCo
- Nexoft
- Next Wave Team
- Nexus Interact
- NHK Software
- Nicalis
- Nichibutsu (Nihon Bussan)
- Nighthawk Interactive
- Nihon Application Co., Ltd.
- Nihon Create
- Nintendo
- Nippon Clary Business
- NIS (Nippon Ichi Software)
- NIS America
- Nitrome
- Nobilis
- Noisia
- Nokia
- Nordic Games
- Nova Games Ltd.
- NovaLogic
- Now Production
- Nu Vision
- Numskull Games
- nWay
- O3 Entertainment
- Ocean
- Office Create
- OG International
- Oldergames
- OMEGA Force
- Omega Micott
- Omiya Soft
- Ongakukan
- Open book
- Origin
- Orion Soft
- Outrigger
- Outright Games
- Oxygen Interactive
- Oz Club
- Pack In Soft
- Pack-In-Video
- Pai
- Palace Software
- Palcom Software
- Pan Vision
- Panasonic
- Pandora Box
- Panic Inc.
- Panther Software
- Paradox Interactive
- Parker Bros.
- Patra
- PCEngineFan
- PCEWorks
- PCM Complete
- Pentavision
- Perfect Entertainment
- Perfect World Entertainment
- Perp Games
- Petoons Studio SL
- Phantagram
- Philips
- Phoenix Games
- Piko Interactive
- Pinnacle Systems
- Pioneer LDC
- Pionesoft
- Pix'n Love
- PixelHeart
- Pixonauts
- Planet (Laseractive)
- Plate International
- Platine Dispositif
- Play It
- Playco
- Players
- Playism
- Playlogic
- Playmates Interactive
- Playmore
- PlayOnRetro
- PlayPond
- Playstack
- PM Studios Inc
- Poly.Play
- Pony Canyon
- Popcorn Arcade
- Pow
- PQube
- Premium Edition Games
- Prime Matter
- Princess Soft
- Prism Leisure Corporation
- Produce!
- Project Two Interactive
- Prolific Publishing
- Prototype
- Psikyo
- Psion
- Psyclapse
- Psygnosis
- Pulse
- Purple Hills
- QUByte Interactive
- Quelle
- Quest
- Quicksilva
- Quintet
- Qute
- Radiance
- Radiola
- Rage Software
- Rainbird Software
- Rainbow Arts
- Rainy Frog
- Raiser Games
- Random Access
- Random House
- Ravenscourt
- Raw Thrills
- Raya Systems
- Rayforce
- Razorsoft
- Readysoft
- Realtec
- Rebellion
- Reboot
- Recotechnology
- Red Art Games
- Red Mile Entertainment
- Red Orb Entertainment
- Red Storm Entertainment
- RedOctane
- RedSpotGames
- Reef Entertainment
- Reindeer
- Renegade Software
- Renovation Games
- Renovation Products, Inc.
- Replay Games
- Repro-Factory
- retro-bit
- Retroworks
- Revival (fanzine)
- Revival Studios
- Ricoh
- Right Stuff
- Riot
- Ripcord Games
- Rising Star Games Ltd
- Riverhill Soft Inc.
- RnH Microtec
- Rocket Company
- Rockstar Games
- rokapublish GmbH
- Roll7
- Rombax Games
- Romstar
- rondomedia
- Ronimo
- RTL Playtainment
- Running with Scissors
- S+F Software
- S.N.K.
- Saban Entertainment, Inc.
- Saber Interactive
- Sabotage Studio
- Sachen
- Sage's Creation
- Sai Mate
- Salio
- Salu Ltd.
- Sammy Studios
- Samsung
- Sancho
- Sanctuary Woods
- Sanritsu
- Sanyo
- SaruPro
- Saurus
- Scholastic
- SCI (Sales Curve Interactive / The Sales Curve)
- Screenwave Media
- SdLL
- Sega Sports Arcade
- Seibu Kaihatsu Inc.
- Seika
- Seismic
- Sekai Games
- Selecta Play
- Serenity Forge
- Seta
- SevenOne Intermedia
- Shangri-La
- Shar Rock
- Sharurak
- Shibuya Interactive
- Shin'en
- Shinko music
- Shoeisha
- Shogakukan Production
- Shouei
- Sieg
- Sierra
- Sigma Enterprises
- Signature Edition
- Silmarils
- Silverstar
- Simon & Schuster
- Sims
- Sinclair Research Ltd
- Sinister Developments
- SJ Games
- Sky Think System
- Skybound Games
- Sleuth Publications
- Slitherine
- Smilesoft
- Soedesco
- Sofel
- Sofix
- Soft Vision
- Softbank
- Softdistribution
- Softmax
- SoftPro International
- Software Heaven
- Software Projects Ltd.
- Solar Software
- Sold Out
- Soliton
- Songbird Productions
- Sonnet
- Sony Computer Entertainment
- Sony Imagesoft
- Sony Interactive Entertainment
- Sony Music Entertainment
- Sony Online Entertainment
- SouthPeak Interactive
- Special Reserve Games
- Spectrum Holobyte
- Spike
- Spike Chunsoft
- Sprites
- Squanch Games
- Square
- Square Enix
- Square Soft
- Stainless Games
- Starfish
- Sting
- Storm (Sales Curve)
- Strategy First
- Strictly Limited Games
- Studio 3
- Studio 3DO
- Studio 9
- Studio E-Go
- Studio Nanafushi
- Sublogic
- Success
- Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software
- Sunrise Interactive
- Sunsoft
- Super Fighter Team
- Super Hi K
- Super Rare Games
- Supergiant Games
- Supersoft
- Sur de Wave
- Sweets
- Swing Entertainment
- Synapse Software
- Synergy, Inc.
- Syscom
- System 3
- System Sacom
- SystemSoft
- T E N Institute
- T&E Soft
- Taïto
- Takara
- Take-Two Interactive
- Takumi
- Takuyo
- Talonsoft
- Tammeka Games
- Tamsoft
- Tango Gameworks
- Tate Multimedia
- Tatsujin
- Taxan
- TDK Mediactive
- Team 17
- Team Bughouse
- Techland
- Techno Soft
- Technos
- TecMagik
- Tecmo
- Tecmo Koei
- TecToy
- Teichiku
- Telegames
- Telenet Japan Ltd
- Telltale Games
- Telstar
- Tengen
- Tesura Games
- Tetragon
- Tetris Online Inc.
- Texas Instruments
- Thalion
- The Adventure Company
- The Digital Lounge
- The Edge
- The Farm 51
- The Game Factory
- The Hit Squad
- The Learning Company France
- The Power House
- The Software Toolworks
- The Squad
- Thunderful
- Tiger
- Tigervision
- Time Warner Interactive
- TimeTop
- tinyBuild
- Titus
- Titus Software
- Tivola
- Toaplan
- tobyfox
- Toei Animation
- Toho co. Ltd
- Tohoku Shinsha
- Tokuma Shoten
- Tom Create
- Tomahawk
- Tommo
- Tomy
- Tonka Corp.
- Tonkin House
- Top Hat Studios
- TopWare Interactive
- Toshiba EMI
- ToTek
- Tototek
- Touchstone
- Towachiki
- Toyo Records
- Tradewest
- Traveller's Tales
- Treco
- Treva Entertainment
- Triangle Service
- Tribeca Digital Studios
- Triffix Entertainment Inc.
- Trimark Interactive
- Trion Worlds
- Tru Blu
- Tsukuda Original
- Turbo Technologies, Inc.
- Turtle Games
- Turtle Rock Studios
- TV Asahi
- TV Tokyo
- Tynesoft
- U.S. Gold
- Ubi Soft
- UEP System
- UFO Interactive
- UIG Entertainment
- Ultimate Play the Game
- Ultra software corporation
- Uni Post
- Unipacc
- United Games Entertainment
- United Label
- United Soft Media
- Universal Interactive
- Unknown Worlds
- Upstar
- Use
- Valcon Games
- Valve
- Vantan International
- Vap
- Varie Corporation
- Vatical Entertainment
- Vblank Entertainment
- Versus Evil
- Vertigo Games
- VGNYsoft
- Viacom NewMedia
- Vic Tokai Inc.
- Victor
- Victory
- Video System
- VideoactV
- VIFI Nathan
- Ving
- Virgin Interactive
- Virgin Play S.A.
- Visco
- Vision Park AB
- Visit
- Vivendi Universal Games
- Vivid Interactive
- VR-1 Japan
- VTech
- Wanadoo
- Wanderlust Interactive
- Warashi
- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Warp
- Watara
- WaterMelon
- Westwood Studios
- White Park Bay
- Wild River Games GmbH
- Wildcard
- Williams
- Wired Productions
- Wisdom Tree
- Wolfteam
- Working Designs
- WorkJam Co.
- World Heroes Company
- X Plus
- X-Nauts
- X-Seed Games
- Xicat
- XING Entertainment
- Xonox
- Xplosiv
- XS Games
- Xseed
- Xuse
- Yacht Club Games
- Yanoman
- Yeno
- Ynnis interactive
- Yojigen
- Yonezawa PR21
- Yoostar Entertainment Group
- Yoshimoto Kogyo
- Yuke's
- Yumedia
- Yutaka
- Zamuse
- Zen United
- Zenimax
- Ziggurat Interactive
- Zoo Digital Publishing
- Zoom
- Zushi